Why Use Confirmation?

You can’t afford not to.

Dated confirmation methods are inefficient and susceptible to fraud. Our secure digital platform gives you control over the process from start to finish. Watch this video to learn more.

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All your confirmations in one secure platform


Work in a platform that puts data security first. Confirmation’s services are up to major industry standards and pass hundreds of security audits each year.


Receive confirmation responses quickly and cut your costs in half (versus the cost of paper).


Nine out of 10 auditors say our platform is easy to use. Plus, we offer robust customer support and ongoing training.

We process millions of confirmations across 170 countries each year.

1.5M users
0 audit firms
0 banks and departments
"Going forward, we are moving in the direction of paperless, technology-driven audits. With Confirmation, we have been able to streamline, automate and digitise the confirmation process with zero client interference, helping us meet the requirements of SA505."

Shalu Kedia

Associate Director

“Technology-driven, paperless audits are the way forward. External confirmations, as mandated in SA 505, are usually a manual, client-dependent process. Confirmation’s paperless automated service helps us comply with SA 505, significantly improve the audit quality, and bring in greater efficiencies within the audit.”

K. M. Ranjith


"Confirmation has really helped us in automating and streamlining our audit process for requesting and receiving balance confirmation certificate and meeting SA505 requirements. It has helped us to save time and costs involved in manual process followed earlier. It provides us with single client-specific dashboard which enables our audit team to track and monitor every confirmation."

Girish Padiyar


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